
making a positive impact  on people, communities, and landscapes

For over 75 years, we’ve lived our core value of Global Stewardship, devoted to making a positive impact on people, communities, and landscapes around the world. Through Training, Recovery, Environment, and Education, we can serve a higher purpose than the products we make and promote our land and its people.

This is The t.r.e.e. Initiative.


Supporting Trail Stewards: Oregon Tool, Inc. Hosts Chainsaw Maintenance Clinic for Trailkeepers of Oregon

On February 10, 2025, Oregon Tool, Inc. had the privilege of hosting a volunteer group from Trailkeepers of Oregon (TKO) for a hands-on chainsaw maintenance clinic. TKO, a nonprofit dedicated to preserving and maintaining recreational trails across the state, regularly uses chainsaws and crosscut saws to remove blowdown trees and keep trails accessible for all users. This event provided an opportunity to support their mission by enhancing their knowledge of cutting system maintenance.

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training: the power of prevention

Our Woods® brand offers 6 Tips to give landowners the edge in wildfire prevention and protection.

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recovery: Oregon® disaster response goes global

When wildfires devastated Greece, Oregon® Disaster Response was there to help.

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environment: 75,000 kilometers? no problem

One unique partnership. One unrelenting effort from our Team Members. Memories made? Endless. This is the story of our 2022 RUN, WALK, BIKE event. 

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education: the unsung hero

Learn how one farmer uses his Batwing® cutter to sustainably maintain his land.

t.r.e.e. landing page Oregon Con.

training: preventing accidents in the trenches

Oregon Tool’s ICS has made it their mission to arm construction professionals with life-saving product applications and training.


recovery: in the eye of the storm

The inspiring tale of Oregon Team Members who banded together to create a disaster response trailer and now travel the country providing assistance to first responders.


environment: turning kilometers into trees

Our Team Members are getting a workout while planting 75,000 trees in support of global reforestation through our RUN, WALK, BIKE program.


education: preparing the next generation

Oregon Tool is committed to providing professional development opportunities to students in Oregon pursuing careers in forestry, engineering, and manufacturing.